#include <Reg52.h>
unsigned char code DQ_ID[2][8]={
0x28,0xa3,0x38,0x40,0x01,0x00,0x00,0xea, //第1个18B20的ID
0x28,0x31,0x05,0x40,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x5d //第2个18B20的ID
sbit DQ=P3^7;
void DQ_Delay(unsigned int t)
for (;t>0;t--);
bit DQ_Reset(void)
bit b;
DQ =0; //pull DQ line low
DQ_Delay(480); //leave it low for 480us
DQ =1; //allow line to return high
DQ_Delay(5); //wait for presence
b =DQ; //get presence signal
DQ_Delay(25); //wait for end of timeslot
return b; //presence signal returned
} //0=presence,1 =no part
void DQ_SendByte(unsigned char cData)
unsigned char n;
bit b;
for (n=0;n<8;n++) //writes byte,one bit at a time
b =(cData>>n)&1; //shifts cData right 'n'spaces
DQ =0; //pull DQ low to start timeslot
if(b) DQ =1; //return DQ high if write 1
DQ_Delay(5); //hold cData for remainder of timeslot
DQ =1;
unsigned char DQ_RecByte()
unsigned char n;
unsigned char cData =0;
for (n=0;n<8;n++)
DQ =0; //pull DQ low to start timeslot
DQ =1; //then return high
DQ_Delay(0); //DQ_Delay 15us from start of timeslot
if(DQ) cData|=(0x01<<n); //reads byte in,one byte at a time and then shifts it left
DQ_Delay(2); //wait for rest of timeslot
unsigned int DQ_ReadTemp(unsigned char cIdx)
unsigned char n;
unsigned int i;
DQ_SendByte(0xcc); //Skip ROM
DQ_SendByte(0x44); // Start Conversion
while(!DQ); //等待转换结束
//DQ_SendByte(0xcc); // Skip ROM
DQ_SendByte(0x55); //发送ID匹配命令
for(n=0;n<8;n++) DQ_SendByte(DQ_ID[cIdx][n]); //发送64 bit ID
DQ_SendByte(0xbe); // Read Scratch Pad
i=DQ_RecByte(); //读取2Byte温度值
i=~i+1; //如果是零下,则去除补码
i|=0x8000; //仍旧标记最高为1,表示零下返回。
return i*0.625;
void DQ_ReadID(unsigned char *p)
unsigned char n;
DQ_SendByte(0x33); //Skip ROM
for(n=0;n<8;n++) *p++=DQ_RecByte(); //读取64位ROM ID