How It Works
To make C1, Ollie first cut four 2-inch squares of paper towel and five 1.75-inch squares of activated carbon aquarium filter material. He stacked the paper and activated carbon filter squares as shown in Fig. 2. He then placed the two PC boards as shown in Fig. 2 (copper sides facing toward one another) to form a sandwich-like structure that he held together with a rubber band. After the assembly was ready, he dripped some lemon juice into the four sides of the sandwich.
Figure 2. How the homemade super capacitor is assembled.
Ollie's super capacitor demonstration circuit is shown in Fig. 3. In operation, C1 is charged by switching S1 to position 1 for a minute. This will charge C1 to about 3.3 volts. When S1 is switched to position 2, theLED will glow for 15 seconds or more. C1 can then be recharged for another cycle.
结构(看第一张图)就是最上面和最下面各有一块边长1-2寸的覆铜板(做印刷电路板用的那种原料,话说用铜板当然也是很OK的啦),铜箔朝里,中间是几层活性炭(用于'汽车除味'的东东里面就有,貌似鱼缸店里也有的卖)和餐巾纸交错叠加起来,最后在餐巾纸上滴上柠檬汁(LEMON JUICE!话说柠檬有点贵呢),超级电容就做成了。电路中(第二张图)用6V电池充电后存的电能可以点亮LED(发光二极管)15秒钟或者更长时间(当然,中间串联了一个680Ω的电阻用于限流)。个人觉得那个1kΩ的可以换成小一些的,从原文中可知C1 is charged by switching S1 to position 1 for a minute. This will charge C1 to about 3.3 volts.无非就是限制电容器充电的电流和电压...假如直接使用3.3volts的电源给它充,这个电阻可以直接去掉咯~